"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Story Time!

Cute Kids in a village near by Lugazi.

This is the road that I walk up and down at least 5 times a day.

Uganda is home to many Indians so its no surprise that they have amazing Indian food here! Well I guess I wouldn't know if it was any better anywhere else because this was my first time eating it! It was SO good! It is now my new favorite kind of food for sure.

Please ignore the finger in this photo I just had to put it up! This is Godfrey, the man who saved my life. The story actually happened several weeks ago but I was just able to get a picture with him last Sunday.
One day after church Godfrey was walking with our group to someones house for lunch. We were walking on back roads where there werent very many people. I was at the very front of the line walking with him and talking when suddenly he stopped and said, "Be careful." I looked up and two feet in front of me was a very angry bull with very large horns. In a split second, before I could even think, it lunged forward and at the exact same time Godfrey jumped in front of me and grabbed the bull by its horns. The fight began and I was off. I ran back the other direction towards the rest of the group who had no idea what was going on. I stood panicked peering over someones shoulder to watch the rest of the battle. He was twisting and turning the bulls head and being lifted into the air. Finally he kicked the bull so hard in the side that it gave up the fight and ran away.
I couldnt thank Godfrey enough. I still cant believe he actually fought a bull and won. Amazing! He saved my life.
I couldnt stop laughing the rest of the day.

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