"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Monday, April 30, 2012

Such a Great Day

We have now been back in Ugnada for 4 days and I am so happy. Today was such a great day. Went to Musana today to work with the women. They are doing so great and there are two new adorable additions to the team. Fatima and Nicole- my new baby "sister" (Eve's baby). I love them both so much.
I also got a lot of work done for getting "I'm Proud to be a Girl" going again. Met with headmasters of different schools and found a great new partner who is really passionate about the cause.
I love these people I work with here, they are truly amazing and so giving. They have so little but give so much, they are a great example to me and I learn so much from them.
I am so happy to be here with my amazing Ugandan friends who just radiate with love and kindness.

After working on other projects and meetings, Camille and I went to get fitted and design our own custom African dresses from the same women that made my Gomesi for me last year. I am so excited to wear it when its done!

The perfect way to end this perfect day is to listen to the screaming pastor, on his traveling stage, blasting through speakers, located just down the street ;) He'll go to bed soon but will surely be there at 6am tomorrow to tell us more about Jesus

Ps I got my suitcase after 2days :)

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