"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Monday, August 17, 2015

I Graduated!

Still can't really believe it's all over. Five years of growth and hard work. Started out as just a teenager wondering what to do with life and ended with degree in Recreational Therapy and a husband- both unexpected twists to the story.

I feel like a different person now then when I started. It's hard to express really the emotional stress that comes along with college and moving away from home. The roommates you get and the friendships you make. The long search for dates and "the one". The nights of anxiety because you feel so overwhelmed and everything is just too much. The endless papers you never thought you could write but then somehow turn in. The test you fear and then somehow pass. The long semesters that then seem so short. The long walks to campus in the freezing cold and then the sweaty walks home in the summer. Can still feel the way I felt on my first day of a semester... Anxious, excited, but overwhelmed with the thought of how much work was to come but how many new memories I'll make.
And five years of this. In five years I learned so much! I gained so much, and I loved my experience. I grew to love and cherish my relationships and my experiences and all the ups and downs that came with this amazing adventure we call college.
My heart feels so proud to have graduated from BYU but I will truly miss this place and it is kind of sad to think that this exciting part of my life is over. BUT Life always keeps going, you can't stop that. Just got to remember that even greater things are yet to come!

Yay!! Congratulations self! You did it!

Bitter sweet


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