"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday's and Friday's

Photography // M'Ladye Silk Ring Sling // Hope Carried use code: ABBY for 15% off

Have you ever noticed how much we mourn Monday's and celebrate Friday's, only to have them disappear in the blink of an eye? I mean just hop on Instagram on a Monday and you'll see all sorts of quotes aimed at helping you get through the fact that it's a new week. Then have a look on Friday and you'll see the phrase "Fri-YAY" about a million times!
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm writing this because I am completely guilty of the Monday blues and Friday excitement. In fact, Ive never been so sad to see a weekend go since Isla has been born and my husband has been working his tail off to support us and still finish up school (he's super man). With work AND school it's hard to get all the quality time we want during the week, so weekends mean more than ever before. Then when Monday comes along, I full on feel like I'm suddenly in a long distance relationship again (ok it's not THAT bad, but still).

But I guess what all this focus on Mondays and Fridays has actually made me realize, is that they are both too short.
Weeks are passing by in the blink of an eye and it always seems to be Monday AGAIN. But if you keep focusing on just getting through the week, all of good times pass you by, and really the week is all we have.

So here's to focusing on making EVERYDAY count. And remembering that every week is another one you'll never get back. Especially with a little one growing up so quickly.

I love this baby carrier from Hope Carried. I tried many other baby carriers but I just couldn't seem to get the hang of them (maybe I have to be smarter than the average baby carrier?) so I always found myself carrying around the car seat. But I love this Silk Ring Sling from Hope Carried because it's so easy to get on and off, and not to mention, I LOVE the color!


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