"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Monday, January 22, 2018

We Are More Than Our Feeds

Photography // Bailey Livingston  Dress: Poppy and Dot 10% off code: ABBYB10 

A few of my thoughts on social media since it seems like we’re all talking about it: First and foremost, 


While it’s easy for us all to get caught up in comparing ourselves, it seems like there’s suddenly pitch forks pointed at all the big “bloggers” out there for making us feel bad. And while I absolutely 100% believe you should unfollow anyone (including me, if it applies) who makes you feel less than. I think there is also responsibility on US (the viewer) to remember that these 

Don't compare everyone's best to your everyday. 

Social media is like when we have visitors over to our homes; we usually try and clean up a little bit right? 
Do the dishes, put some makeup on, dress the kids. I like to think of social media in that way as well. We’re letting visitors and friends into our lives through these little squares, and while we want to be authentic we also want to be somewhat presentable. 

We all have the freedom to post pictures of our dirty laundry piles- because we all have them- but normally that doesn’t make for one of our favorite pics 😂 SO what do we post? The beautiful moments of our lives. The ones that make us happy....

What I’m trying to get at here is that WE as viewers need to remember that we are all human. Absolutely no one has a perfect life, even if that’s all they are posting about on Instagram. 
In my years, I’ve learned that everyone has a story they may not be ready to share. 
And EVERYONE is going through something. 
Keeping that in mind has helped me grow kinder and more confident through my own struggles. 

Unfollow those accounts that make you feel yucky. Strive to be surrounded by those who feel like sunlight- in our feeds and most importantly, in our REAL lives. 


Never allow yourself to feel less than someone based on material goods or only little snippets of someone's life that you get to see. 

My main goal on social media has always been to connect. To grow true meaningful friendships and uplift in any way I find possible. But I too am sooooooooooooo flawed and I have trials just like you. If you ever think I have my life all in line just know I don't. But I hope we can help each other make those burdens lighter- if only just through a kind comment or uplifting message. Reach out to those around you and be kind. And most importantly be kind to yourself. 
I believe we can make social media a place to build each other up. We just need to remember that nothing anyone has or does can take away from everything YOU have inside your soul. 

We are more than our feeds. 


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