"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Compliment your competition- and mean it

Have you ever complimented your competition? Saw the good in their success? Looked to how you can celebrate their accomplishments with out feeling less about yourself?! 

I never knew how much jealously could be subconsciously weighing me down until I had an experience letting it go.

Years ago, I became very jealous of someone who I felt stepped in on something I worked hard at for years, and was instantly much more successful at it than me. 
I sat in the audience as she received recognition for all she had accomplished. I listened with a hard heart and jealously until I realized, 
everything she was being praised for was absolutely true. 
She had done an amazing job. 

Sure it hurt to not receive the same kind of recognition for what I had done, but I decided to let go of that because those feelings would really do me no good moving forward. I knew what I had contributed, even if no one else did. 
As the night came to a close, my heart was still heavy but I decided to use all my emotional energy I had left to celebrate her

I nervously walked up to congradulate her, and with true sincerity expressed my admiration toward what an amazing job she had done and what an amazing character she has. 

As those words flowed from my heart to my mouth something amazing happened, and I can honestly say, that changed everything. Not only was our relationship instantly soften (I sensed she had also felt competive against me as well) but my heart was truly changed and this huge weight I hadn't even realized I was carrying was suddenly gone. My heart was healing.

I realized in that moment what a burden it had been carrying that jealously around with me. I decided that being happy for other people’s success was actually a much happier route for all of us, and created so many more opportunities for true friendship and even success for yourself. 

Letting go felt so good. Being happy for someone felt better. 

I can't say I'm cured! "No more jealousy!" But I can say, that when I start feeling that way I think back to that night, and how much better it felt to support someone, see them smile, connect, and befriend, rather than stew in the my own feelings of jealousy. /and you know what, now I have her support as well. 

Who are you jealous of right now? I challenge you to see the good in their success. To realize it takes nothing away from you. And if you can, go complement them on that success- and most importantly, mean it. See how you feel. I promise it will be a weight lifted from you both ♥️♥️♥️ 

Photo // Becky Kimball for Wildbird 

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