"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Imma Be Ghana With the Wind

Sorry about the cheesy title but thank you to Uncle Richard for that one...
So, you guessed it. I'm going back. This time though with someone very special to me, my little sister Lydia.
I can remember exactly the moment I thought about how much I wanted my little sister with me in Africa. It was 2009 and I was sitting in a taxi driving through Ethiopia. All around me was grasslands and a few sparse umbrella trees. Every once in a while we'd pass a school full of little kids who would start chasing us down the road waving. (quite a sight- a van full of white people) Everyone was sleeping since it had been a long drive but I was just looking out the window and thinking about how beautiful this world is and how I couldn't believe I was here, in Africa, the most beautiful place I'd ever seen... I couldn't help but feel guilty that my family was back at home and not experiencing this adventure with me but the person I wanted most there with me was Lydia. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to show her this place and let her meet these amazing people I was meeting.
I missed her, a lot, and at the time that was weird... because I was 17 and she was 13 and we were, you know, going through those years of not having much to do with each other. But I wanted her there with me.
Since then, I've tired every year to get her to come with me but she was young and didn't want to go (and I think I was a little over eager). It wasn't until this last year that she actually started expressing interest in going to Africa with me. When I first heard that she wanted go I tired to play it cool, "don't scare the poor teenager away by acting too excited" I thought, "I'm finally cool enough to travel with!"
I was so excited that I starting researching and planning our trip right away.
Now, my little sisters not so little and will be 18 by the time were in Ghana. I can't wait to live with her there and experience a great adventure together this summer. She'll be forced to hang out with me ahaha (evil laugh). But really, I can't wait. Hope she's as excited as I am.

I love you Lydia. Thanks for joining in my crazy adventures and for associating with your weird older sister.


1 comment

  1. Loooooooooove this! And love you and Lyd! Love that you get to go back to the place you love so much and TAKE someone you love so much. You guys are going to have a blast!! XO!


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