"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Leaving Today

Today my sister and I leave for Ghana. Wow, how is it already here? I feel like I have been planning this trip with my sister for years!

I am really excited to get to visit a new country! It's crazy how many people from Ghana I have met in the past year. (shout out to you my friends!) They have made me even more excited about this trip and I can't wait to visit "the best country on earth" (so I've been told) and meet more great people like them.

It's crazy to think this will be my 4th visit to Africa. I've kind of just made a habit out of it I guess... but it just feels like such a huge part of me. I can't even describe how much these adventures have impacted my life. The people I've met have forever found a place in my heart and I know things that have changed me for the better. I honestly believe I have learned more in Africa for the six months, or so, I've been there than I have in the past three years of college.

For those who have been asking how to best keep up with the trip- this blog will hopefully be the way. From what I've been told, I won't have much electricity or internet access where I'm living but I will still try to update this as much as possible.

Wish Lydia and I luck! Pray for us.
Thank you everybody for all of your support and interest in my journeys to Africa. See you soon!


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