"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Twist in the Plot!

I'm adding a new twist to this years adventure-  It's called India... I know you've all gotten sick of my African stories so I need to add a little spice, and I thought India would do just the trick. But never fear, we are also stopping in Ghana on the way home! (and by "we" I mean Lydia and I! and by "stopping" I mean a month stay)

I am so excited for the new people I will get to meet this year and new places I will get to see. I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel and do development work in this countries. I hope I can make someone smile along the way, and maybe help out a little too.

I love all of you who support me and make these journeys possible, particularly my Dad. Thank you for changing my life as I see the world. I love you! And I can NOT wait!

I guess I didn't drive Lydia too crazy last year since she's coming again! 
ps We leave May so stay tuned for updates then 


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