"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Acacia Shade and other happenings

 I think I mentioned earlier that Lydia and I are currently staying at Acacia Shade- an orphanage for children with disablities. It is a new establishment so, so far there are only 4 kids here but they are amazing and have had so much progression since first getting here in the fall.
Esi- is darling and so happy. She currently can't walk but gets around by crawling on here knees. She is so bright, we are working on streches and other excrisizes to hopefully get her walking some day. My favorite thing is when she prays over all our meals :)

Ayariaga- sweet little boy who loves to dance and be held. His energy to great to be around. He understands what you say but we are working on his ablitiy to respond.

Annabelle- she is beautiful. She can now crawl a bit and turn over but we are also working on getting her more mobile. 
Zumah- loves dancing and giggles all day long! She can also crawl and scoot to get around, hopefully one day that can improve as well. She will always make you feel good about yourself because she laughs at all our jokes. 

It is fun and challenging to live with these kids! I love them and I am so grateful for Julie Renneer for establishing this home and allowing us to have a place to stay here.

In other news, Lydia and I have sufficiently found all the ice cream and wifi shops in town. We've also taken hour long taxi rides to try to find a swimming pool. Turns out it was national "clean your pool day" in Ghana that day. 

Last night as we were walking down the red dirt road to our home-carrying all our clean water for the week- it began pouring rain. Trying to dodge all the mud puddles, it took us a few minutes to get home- and by that time we were soaked. So you know what that means, shower in the rain time! The caregivers at the home thought we were crazy but it gave them a good laugh and made me happier than ever. I always write about showering in the rain because I really think it is in my top ten favorite things to do. It's just one of those things that make you feel alive, and beautiful, and connected, and litterally leaves you breathless. 

Look up http://acaciashade.org it's awesome 

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