"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Monday, June 30, 2014

Yes I left India, and yes, now I am in Ghana

Sorry I don't keep up with this enough, but yes, Lydia and I have now traveled around the world and are back in home sweet home Africa!!
I finished India off with more Proud to be a Girl asemblies at a school for girls taken out of child labor. It was a good way to end because I love those girls so much and nothing makes me happier than to see them glowing.
Now, Ghana has been great to us so far! We went back to Koforidua to see our kids and are now staying at Acacia Shade (an orphanage for children with disabilities). It is absolutely amazing to be living with such good people and bright spirits. You can just feel the love at home. 
So happy to be here. And so grateful for these experiences!


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