"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Adding up the smiles

If I calculate correctly, so far I've been able to speak to over 2,000 girls- across 3 different countries- about their abundant potential and about topics that others might be afraid to discuss with them- but need to be heard.
At least 2,000 girls have been told, at least once,  that they are smart enough, pretty enough, and good enough to achieve any dream they have.
I don't know how many girls have actually taken this message personally but I know I've had an amazing opportunity to hear many stories and goals and dreams and share some tears but mostly I've seen a lot of smiles- and those are contagious. 
India is very different from Africa. The issues are different here but the message reads the same. 

 "Protect yourself. Health and happiness are in your hands" 

Love these girls.

Been teaching these young girls during the day and older women, who are homeless, at night. 
Still accessing a lot of the culture and making changes to the circulum but I think things are going well.
I'm happy to be doing what I love to do. Hope these girls know how special they are to me. 
Lydia came today too!!!! So excited for her to be helping out with this project too 

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