"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Red Lipstick

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Hey guys! Just wanted to do a little intro because it's been a while! 👋🏼 

so random fact: 1. I feel most like myself in red lipstick 💄

2. I love telling stories, so here's a story for ya 😂

I always wanted to be that girl who was brave enough to wear red lipstick- on any occasion- but I was too afraid of standing out and never thought I had big enough lips to pull it off haha.
It took my first time living in Uganda, for a whole summer, for me to realize that I didn't just want to wear any old thing anymore but I actually wanted to have a style- something I felt good in and was true to who I am.

I remember sitting in an Ugandan Internet cafe and exclaiming to my friend that I was going to do it!

"I am going to go home and be brave enough to wear red lipstick! and wear it any dang day I want to!"

And I did just that.

On my layover in London, on my way home, I stopped at one of the fancy makeup counters
- in my worn out orphanage shirt, and dirty old khaki pants I'd worked in the whole summer- not a dash of makeup on and rainwater hair-
I asked the woman at the counter if she could try some red lipsticks on me. She looked at me a little funny but helped me find that bright, true, red I was looking for.

It felt a little weird walking through London like that, but it was my first test at not caring what other people thought or if I was standing out- in fact, I learned that day that wearing red lipstick was a great conversation starter!

And from that day on, I wore that red lipstick through my college years like it was my thing! 💁🏼

Like many new moms, I've felt a little loss of some of who I used to be. It wasn't until a few months ago, after putting away that lipstick through pregnancy and breastfeeding, that I found that exact little silver tube I got in London so many years ago.

I put it on, and for the first time in a long time, I looked in the mirror and saw a reflection of who I used to be ☺️ and it made me feel like myself again.

It's been hard to always find the motivation to get dressed up as a mom (and most the time I don't because it's just not practical), but I've made it my new goal to try and find my style again, because you know what, it makes me feel good.

What you look like is not so important as how you feel.
And sometimes it's in the little things that can empower you the most. 💄

so be bold, be bright, be YOU ♥️ 

GIVEAWAY for $50 gift card on my Instagram page!


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