"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Buahin's Take Maui: tips from newbies on traveling with a baby

Swim suits // Kortni and Jeane, Albion Fit, Lime Ricki Dress // Amara boutique

So we survived! ok more than survived, we vacationed! It was our first real getaway since Isla was born and I was extremely excited for this trip up until about two weeks before- when I actually started to think about the realities of traveling with a baby. It wasn't going to be all just fun in the sun like usual. And the FLIGHTS! I was practically ready to cancel our trip thinking about the 12 hour journey, but we did it! and guess what? It wasn't so bad!

A new kind of vacation:

I can sum up our experience in three words: pool, beach and, NAP-TIME.

But oh, it was SO worth it to get away from the everyday! and just spend time in a beautiful, fun, place with family!
Isla loved playing in the kiddie pool, and Josh and I loved to be in the clear blue ocean, that's really all you need anyway.
Pretty much just being able to spend time together, after such a busy last year, was such a blessing!


here's a review of some tips you guys gave us for traveling with a baby- and my review of what worked for us :)

1. bring lots of toys and snacks- I packed like four of those baby food pouches, and then lots of munchies.

2. drinks- something I didn't really think about at first. I brought a bottle and sippy cup and filled them both up with water after we got through customs. I also brought little 4 oz. apple juices to mix with the water on the plane, and baby formula.  Note: airports will let you bring a "reasonable" amount of extra liquids if they are for a baby. You will just get stuck in customs for a little longer while they check them- and they'll need to see the baby present with you.

3. have them suck on something at take off and landing

4. a change of clothes for both you and the baby

5. baby carrier (we brought a stroller- you can take it all the way to the gate and then check it on)

6. baby Tylenol- just in case

7. have your baby used to sleeping with nosies before your trip! check!

My review: these were awesome tips! Luckily, Isla only needed to use a few of them though and she really didn't even cry! We kept her entertained by just being there (she's a people person) and the number one thing that helped us, was bringing her stuffed bunny that she loves to chew on while she falls asleep! She also loved the apple juice and all the SNACKS!

Only thing I would do different: not bring so many toys because she really didn't need them. Always a good idea to be prepared just in case though :)

Spray tan: 

Another thing I have to mention is my spray tan I got right before we left! I had to ask a lot of people if this was a good idea because the last time I got one was like 5 years ago- and it was BAD! like super orange and blotchy bad!
I didn't want that to happen again, and I also didn't want to have it streak and fade into a blotchy mess while swimming in the ocean all the time. But the majority of you told me to go for it! So I did:

My review: I opted for a hand sprayed kind (if thats what its called? haha) and I think it helped make it look more natural. Although, I think I made the mistake of taking a shower too soon... I waited the recommended 8 hours after getting sprayed, but still felt like it faded too much. The picture above is day one of Hawaii (one day after getting it). 
As you can tell, I wasn't necessarily a bronzed goddess or anything but I definitely felt more confident out in the sun (I'd normally be glowing white- like blind your eyes white).

This color lasted like a day, and I have to say, I think it helped me not get burned (but don't try this at home) I didn't wear hardly any sun screen for the whole day and had absolutely zero burn! but then I tried again the next day and it totally backfired! By then the spray tan had faded a lot and I got super brunt! (stupid I know). 
By day three I was wearing LOTS of sunscreen, and I'm pretty sure the spray tan had completely faded- but by then I was mostly naturally colored with my very own burn anyway haha 

so would I recommend a spray tan before a vacation? YES! I really loved having it-- even if it was only for that first day before I had time to get tan on my own. 

Tips: I would wait longer than 8 hours to rinse it off initially. Also you might get some blotches, I would bring some exfoliant to remove it from those trouble areas (cleavage area and neck) it seems to stick to much longer than the whole! 


And bonus #1 tip: 

bring your extended family!! It was seriously so much fun having them there and so great to have extra helping hands!


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