"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Friday, April 27, 2012

Nothing is Easy

Well, Camille and I made it to Uganda but not with out plenty of road blocks. The road started becoming rocky our last day in Amsterdam when a baucket of rain water fell on my head and then we had to go get on another plane.
After 4 days of traveing we made it in to Ugnada and we were suppose to wait 6 hours until the two other women met up with us- that will be living with us here. After 6hours of waiting it turns out they missed their flight and on top of that my suitcase with ALL of my stuff never arrived! After alot of airport workers telling me to just, "wait a little longer." they finally (after 8 and a half hours) told me my suitcase wouldnt be coming  today and they will call me when it does come in... I'm hoping that means tomorrow.
well anyay, we couldnt wait any longer for the others so Camille and I had our friend taxi driver take us to our favorite hotel in Mukono, two hours away (with traffic). Now were here  and exhausted but things are looking up. Since were "long time friends" (from last year) we got a discount and an upgrade to a nice room (with internet). SO here we are and we are finally comfortable. I hope to get my suitcase some time soon- otherwise I am going to be really smelly here in the next couple of days...

1 comment

  1. oh abby dabby. give that hotel a hello pat from me. my suitcases took 4 extra days to get to taiwan. i wish you luck. keep updating this please! love you.


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