"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Nursery! For our {Half} African Princess

Wow! I can't even tell you the number of hours spent working on this nursery but the outcome is so worth it! I am in love with every detail. Not just because it's beautiful, but because behind almost every detail lies a story. 
As many of you know, I have spent a good part of my life traveling to Africa, starting clear back at age 17. I'm not sure why but I was always drawn to buying beautiful baby clothes and other items-- though I wasn't anywhere close to being married, let alone ready to have a baby! But something always drew me to them and I knew that one day I wanted to share Africa with my future children. {little did I know that she would actually be half African!} 
Along with every special item I collected, there is also the hand that put all the details together. My amazing and selfless Mother {interior designer} spent weeks bringing my dream to reality, really all the credit goes to her. Her love and service behind her work makes everything even that more meaningful. 
Truly everything she touches turns to gold. 

Interior Designer: Gaylynn Evans /// Artwork: Abby Buahin

I found this mobile while in Uganda. I remember debating wether or not I should buy two. I'm so glad I did!

This bed skirt is all custom made from the fabric my Mother-in-law sent me from Ghana. 

These paintings are done by me. They were supposed to just be practice doodles I did last year, but they ended up being perfect for this room!

The quilt on the chair is made from fabric I collected while in Ghana. 

This is filled with jewelry given to me by friends in: Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana. 

The changing pad is covered in fabric given to me by the sweetest family my sister and I met in Ghana. They invited us to stay in their home and surprised us with bags full of beautiful fabric. 

Found these in Ethiopia and for a little twist, the tree is from India. 


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