"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pregnancy has been kind to me

A very blustery day on Antelope Island 

Photography by: Roxana Baker /// Maternity Dress: PinkBlush /// Location: Antelope Island  

~ Pregnancy has been kind to me ~

Something I NEVER thought I'd say:
I wouldn't dare say pregnancy is easy but I'm willing to go ahead and thank God that thus far it has been a relatively pleasant experience- knock on wood! 

Growing up, I was always so nervous about ever being pregnant. My wonderful Mother had really hard pregnancies. The kind where she couldn't get out of bed for nine months because she was throwing up all day long. I used to mentally try to prepare myself for one day having to feel like I had the flu for almost a year. And honestly I really thought I couldn't do it. 
Then I read countless online articles all warning me about the "terrible things no one tells you about being pregnant" and "10 crazy things pregnant women have to deal with everyday" 
I was prepared, or rather frightened and avoiding, the worst. 

Well seeing how I didn't even know I was pregnant until my second trimester (read previous post) I'm going to say it isn't that bad- at least till now- knock on wood, again! 

I've had my days and my hormonal meltdowns. I've peed my pants while sneezing and craved ice cream. I've had terrible migraines that made me throw up. And I wake up exhausted every morning. 
But overall I have loved watching my belly grow, and tracking every symptom, and every movement. I feel lucky to have this little girl inside of me. And most days I feel great. 
I am so grateful.
Pregnancy has been kind to me. 

Follow abbybuahin on Instagram and enter to win a $75 gift card to PinkBlush!

Less than 3 more months to go! 


1 comment

  1. Pregnancy is the most important time of a Women. So she needs to read about pregnancy chart continuously. Have another blog about pregnancy?


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