"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just Get Me There Already!

This is embarrassing but...you WILL often find me running (Ok maybe just jogging) on campus. Not running to exercise. Running to get to class, with my heavy back pack and all. I'm not late either! I'm hardly ever late to anything... 
So why then am I running/jogging on a college campus looking like a complete dork?
I'm trying to get to where I'm going, NOW. Or as close to now as possible...
I'm a bit impatient you could say, not always but most of the time. 
The trip to Uganda IS something I am impatient about. I feel just like I do when I want to get to class and not have to walk a whole mile before I'm there! I want to be in Uganda right now. 
I'm done with thinking about it constantly and having to replay all the worries. I've had so much time to think my mind is now getting very creative! Worries have gone from the typical "holy cow 4 months is a long time!" to: what happens if I meet King Kong and he tries to take me captive? Also I've had dreams of being chased by an African tribe blowing poison arrows at me as I run through the jungle. (Strangely resembling one of the first scenes from an Indian Jones movie...hmmm) 
So maybe I'm exaggerating a little about the King Kong thing...but still. You get the point! I've had way to much time to think and I think its time to go. 
Luckily I only have one month, packing and finals week left to go! 
Alight I'm starting to jog!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thank You!

I would just like to thank all of those who have already donated to help me to even be able to go to Uganda this summer! I sincerely appreciate it and it has helped a lot! I hope you can see that the money is not just going to help me get there but its going towards the poverty stricken people of Uganda and the over all cause. 

If anyone would still like to donate I could use all the help I can get! 
You can do so by sending a check written to Help International with Abby Evans written in the memo line. There address is: 

HELP International
455 N. University Ave.
Suite #212
Provo, UT 84601

Or you can go to http://help-international.org/donate-now   and donate online. Just make sure you put Abby Evans in the designation box. 

Thank you again so much!!! 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure."Helen Keller 
My favorite is the man on the right...
For those who don't know, I've been to Africa before. (Ethiopia and Kenya)
It was an amazing experience in which I fell in love with the people, culture and adventure of being in a far away world.
Though, Not everything went perfectly.  (For those who have heard my stories you could argue that nothing at all went perfectly!)  From drastic change of plans to being terribly sick....you may wonder why I would be going back? 
I find myself asking that same question! But it all comes down to this: the absolute joy of service can never be duplicated with anything else... 
As I find myself (and others) doubting why I'm going to go live in a tiny town, with no showers, for 4 months I have to remind myself why I wanted to go in the first place.
My mind can get so wrapped up in the adventure aspect of it too easily. I become so excited about the trip but then fear will sometimes enter my mind as well. I have realized that the excitement of adventure (however powerful in my mind) can never conquer the fears of doing something like this, unless I remember a greater motive- which is service. I am going to serve those beautiful, amazing and happy people of Uganda who I can not wait to meet!  
My eyes are closed.. but I love the kids in this picture!!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Update (Before Departure)

For anyone who may follow this blog (few, very few)  I would like to give you a short update of my preparations I have been working on for before I leave! -by the way, I depart May 4th so less than 2 months...wow. 
Ok so I've teamed up with Musana Jewelry and will be interning for their company this year! Basically what it is is a small group of about 7 women living in Lugazi, Uganda who are employed to make jewelry which we sell back in the U.S. 100% of the proceeds go back to the women! It is awesome, I'm super excited to be partnered with them. 
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