"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Saturday, April 30, 2011

3 more days

Sometimes I'll look back on my trip to Ethiopia and wonder how in the world my parents let their 17 year old daughter take a month off of school to go? 
For whatever crazy reason- I am so grateful that they did!
 That was really the movement that began my journey and landed me here on my way to Uganda. It has changed my whole life and the passions I persue. 
I read a passage from the last day of my Ethiopian trip that says, "I will come back here. This was good practice, but I want to help more." I am going back to Africa. I haven't forgotten the people I will always love in Ethiopia but I'm going to meet the people I will always love in Uganda. 
Thank you to my wonderful parents who allow me to presue what my heart tells me to do. 
Also, most importantly, I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father who blesses me with the opportunities to serve His children of the world.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hoping My Cheeks Deflate in Time...

It's hard to imagine that in just 16 days I will be in Lugazi. Especially as I am litterally laying in my bed right now with a sock full of ice tied around my head. I'm hoping that my huge chickmonk cheeks will deflate soon so that I won't have to stand out even more while in Uganda. Although, maybe my snow white skin will be distracting enough for them not to notice my cheeks.
Anyway I should have planned on getting my wisdom teeth out a year ago but didn't remember I needed to until 5 days ago and then there was definetly no time to spare.
The best part is I'm going back to school tomorrow, with just one day of healing, because I have no time to waste! It's crunch time. It's almost here! And not even the extra air in my cheeks can stop me now!

Ps I hope this makes sense. It does to me right now but who knows when your on pain killers....
I guess it will be a good laugh later.
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