"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th 2011

Recently I have been building my muscles by helping to build both a piggery and a classroom. Also continuing to work on my classes. Pastor Francis wants me to teach a 3 hour class! Crazy...
Oh ya and I am also working with Musana Jewelry on many new projects. The women are darling and incredibly silly. Check out their website.
Work can get stressful but every day is an adventure.  
Living in a 500 sq ft house with 12 other people can be a challenge as well. Only space and toilet wise though. I love the new friendships I am making.
A young Ugandan boy decided to give me a Lugandan nickname the other day while building the classroom. "Mukisa" He says it means "blessing". That made my day :) 
I hope I can be a mukisa to these people as much as they are a mukisa to me.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Short Update:

Things are going well. Today is a great day because the power has been on. It rained hard today as walked through the village to a meeting with Pastor Franicis. We were quite a show since everyone else is afraid of the rain here.
I'm starting the first steps of my project idea which is to teach classes on abstract ideas. Basically developing  a broader range of thinking. Goal setting. Looking past just surving today... I think thats something they really need here.
I've done so much in just the past 10 days... I dont have time to list them all.
I went swimiing in the Nile river and had to be pulled back into the boat...got laughed at today as I ran away from a fight in the street (a little kid came at me with a stick! but he was actually just runnning past me...) I've been to waterfalls... almost crashed on bodas... did my laundry which is hanging outside in the rain now.... but moslty have been sitting through many long meetings... its been great though! Love every minute.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm here!

It only took 37 hours but I'm here! I don't have a lot of time today in the internet cafe but heres a quick update:

I'm here in Lugazi as you know. Second day! Its so crazy beautiful here! but very dirty in the village...still its so amazing! its crazy to just be living here with all of these people. All the little kids yell, "Muzungo Muzungo!" as we walk past which means white person haha. our house is small but good and protected by a big wall and huge cow with horns. we sleep in bunk beds, not bad. I took a shower which was cool.
i love the people here. I think i will be quite happy.

Its steaming hot though.
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